Schlagwort-Archive: Prof. Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher

„Lächelnd scheidet der Despot“. Kritische, ironische und komische Salomobilder in moderner Lyrik. Hrsg. Prof. Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher


Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher
Professorin für Alttestamentliche Bibelwissenschaft
Katholische Privatuniversität Linz

„Lächelnd scheidet der Despot,
Denn er weiß, nach seinem Tod
Wechselt Willkür nur die Hände,
Und die Knechtschaft hat kein Ende.“

Modern lyrical portraits of Solomon continue and expand the critical and humorous aspects of king
Solomon, that are already established in the Bible. Reconstructing Solomon, these poems attribute
quite different characteristics to the biblical king that may present him as a ruthless tyrant, a witty
king, a superficial or simple-minded monarch. The deconstruction of the legendary biblical king
goes hand in hand with a humorous but often often severe criticism of contemporary social and
political conditions. In this way, Solomon is used to create a (distorting) reflection of present-day
society and culture.*..

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